Хозяин продаёт земельный участок 0, 3 га в Марупе, кадастровый № 8076 003 0084, без отягощений. Самое высокое, ровное, без деревьев и сухое место в Марупе. Есть разрешение на строительство частного дома. Рядом детская игровая площадка. Недалеко ледовый холл и другая спортивная инфраструктура, гимназия и детский сад, бизнес и торговые центры. Коммуникации: газ проходит по краю участка, вода и канализация возможны своя/городская, электричество 3 фазы, асфальтовая дорога. Центр города – 10 мин., Аэропорт -5мин., Юрмала- 20 мин. Городской транспорт – автобус, маршрутное такси.
The owner sells a large plot of land 0.3 ha in Marupe, cadastral number 8076 003 0084, without encumbrances. The highest, smooth, treeless and driest place in Marupe. There is a permission to build a private house. Near is a children's playground. Nearby are ice hall and other sports infrastructure, gymnasium and kindergarten, business and malls. Communications: gas goes down the edge of the section, water and sewer are possible in its/cities, electricity in phase 3, asphalt path. City center – 10 min., airport – -5 min., Jurmala – 20 min. Urban transport – bus, route taxi.
The owner sells a large plot of land 0.3 ha in Marupe, cadastral number 8076 003 0084, without encumbrances. The highest, smooth, treeless and driest place in Marupe. There is a permission to build a private house. Near is a children's playground. Nearby are ice hall and other sports infrastructure, gymnasium and kindergarten, business and malls. Communications: gas goes down the edge of the section, water and sewer are possible in its/cities, electricity in phase 3, asphalt path. City center – 10 min., airport – -5 min., Jurmala – 20 min. Urban transport – bus, route taxi.
Skatījumi: 516
Sludinājums pievienots: 15.08.2021 17:31:13