Investora meklēšana
30 000 €
Uz abpusēji izdevīgiem noteikumiem aizņemšos 30000EUR ir sava nokomplektēta tehniskā bāze.Nodarbojos ar traktortehnikas kvalitatīvu remontu.Piegādāju dažādu modeļu jaunus MTZ un HTT traktorus.Piekabes,kaļķa izkliedētājus u.c. tehniku.
Kompānija: -
300 €
LCC Company operating/registered in Estonia needs help obtaining a bank loan. Credit amount - 300.000 EUR and for 4 years. The company has no security in the form of real estate. Turnover of 5.8 million in the financial year 2019 was 5.8 million EUR. The company has no debts to the Suppliers and the Tax Office /IRS/. In the case of a real loan, the intermediary also owes a commission from me. All the suggestions and questions to email.
Kompānija: -
Kopā: 2 Ieraksti